Electronic Components
We help industry, universities, aerospace and small companies to find difficult components
Asset recovery and stock liquidation
We also buy stocks of electronic components and equipment. Also older, difficult or obsolete ones.
We can predict if parts are resellable, we have market insight.
The two main possibilities are:
- Direct sales: We buy directly from you, direct cash conversion. We take the risks on parts being resellable and put them in our own stock.
- OEM-sales: You will get a much better yield with OEM-sales: the parts are reserved for us and only get sold by us. They can either stay in your stock under strickt conditions, or in our warehouse. We sell them at a margin we agree on. Disadvantage is that it takes longer, we will depend on if there is a direct need for the parts. How long it takes varies a lot, it can be from weeks, months, and sometimes even over a year. Advantage is that when the parts are valuable, or obsolete and needed we can generate a lot more money for you. The difference with direct sales can be a factor 2 to 10.
See our stock for the full list of components. We also sell through this platform: www.bol.com/nl/nl/w/alle-artikelen-overstock-devices/1466191, do notice those prices are inc. VAT and that for volumes, prices will be different